Making All Voices Count

Making All Voices Count
TechHubs Week

October 2016 – March 2017
Nairobi, Kenya – Durban, South Africa – Accra, Ghana

Making All Voices Count works to leverage this moment of technology and innovation development to promote transparency, fight corruption, increase effectiveness, empower citizens, and hold governments accountable.

Making All Voices Count partners with tech hubs in order to leverage their local convening power to broker relationships between actors in governance and technology in our focus countries. We have seven partner hubs in our network, six of which are in-country and one of which is a regional hub in Africa.



Provided mentorship in community engagement to 6 Hubs across the Global South. Over the course of 1 week in person, and follow-up engagement over subsequent months, enabled the Hubs to be more resilient and scalable.