Space Federation

SpaceĀ Federation
Space Camp

August 2010 – June 2012
Milwaukee, WI – Seattle, WA – Chicago, IL –
New York City, NY – Detroit, MI – San Mateo, CA

Space Federation is a School Factory initiative that linksĀ together hacker, maker, and coworking spaces into a sustainable network of sharing and support.

Space Camp is an unconference and shared space at Maker Faire, SpaceCamp brings founders and facilitators of hacker, maker, and coworking spaces into a shared area and time to discuss trials and victories.



Worked with the MAKE and Maker Faire teams to set up space and messaging for the SpaceCamp events. Secured stage time for announcements of our discoveries together, as well as to extend the circle of those participating in SpaceCamps. Facilitated the events for hacker, maker, and coworking space administrators and visionaries to skill share and deepen their links to one another.